Wednesday, August 31, 2011

{8/30/11} When things are over.

Usually I'm super excited to put together events and presentations and what not. But today we had Standards Night for the Young Women, and boy was it ever stressful. I don't know why, but it was frustrating, stressful, confusing, and whatever other feelings all rolled into one trying to get ready for it and plan it out just right. Not to mention I was up until after 3 am on Monday night finishing up some stuff. I think in the end it went pretty well, and a lot of the parents said that they enjoyed it and really liked it. But man, that was the first time I couldn't wait for something to be over before it even began. I sure love all the girls in our ward! And I really hope that they were able to get something out of it, and that it helped them, but I know for me it was definitely a learning process and a growing experience, and a challenge. But it was all worth it as long as it helped someone. :)

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