Saturday, November 19, 2011


We're watching The Christmas Story and Hunter randomly says, "I don't like guns. I shoot my eye out."

And then he goes up stairs and we can hear him singing, "ra ra Ra ra."

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Late night giggles.

even though it's not that late.

My sister and I can get pretty weird sometimes. Neil was in with the boys helping them fall asleep and I'm sure all he heard was a little buzz buzz from my phone telling me I got a message and then me laughing. It had to do with some "because that means delicious one" and "dod" and "tutu", or "go" "like ga" and "ga tit" which lead to "ga tit too. 2" and turned into "tutu" "that's weird". and anyway, it made me laugh pretty good.

My sister finally signed up for Pinterest... and as she was finally giving up and going to bed I started looking on my quiet amusements board because I wanted to make sure she saw a couple of them. Anyway, they all just made me laugh. especially this one, so here is my picture for the day.

Source: via Diane on Pinterest

good night!! :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Making this, even though I made it yesterday. I like to think about it still. :)

DSC_1078 copy

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


My mom.

It's nice having my mom close. Last night we went to the RS dinner together and was a lot of fun. It's also been so nice having her around as I've been sick lately. She's always so willing to drop everything and come help me, or watch my children while I get over my sick spells, or let my boys go play at her house. She has been and is such a blessing!

Thanks Mom!

Monday, November 7, 2011


So much fun family time!

These last couple days have been great fun! Today we went to Carl's Jr so the boys could play on the jungle gym that is there. They loved it! We were there probably at least an hour! It was so much fun watching them run around and play with the other kids.

Then we had the best FHE yet! I love watching my boys learn and play, and hearing their cute answers! They are so playful and it's always a hoot singing and being silly with them! :) I don't know what it is, but we have been blessed with an overabundance of love in our home lately and I am so grateful for it!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Serving and callings, as well as being released and getting a break. ;)

Starting today I am no longer in YW's. It's bitter sweet. I loved it, loved the girls, greatly enjoyed having something to every Tuesday, loved being involved with the ward on that level. But for right now I am so grateful to be done! To have time for myself, to take care of me, to rest. Time to take care of my family, my husband, my home.

{11/9/11} Now that it's been a couple of days... I didn't realize how much time and energy I put into that calling! These last 3 days have been fabulous! I'm happier than I have been in a long time! I feel great. and I think a lot of these two things come from having the mental energy to take care of "us". For the first time since before Mabel was born probably, I've done all our laundry AND have put it all away at. the. same. time.! Our sink and counter have remained dish free, as in we've stayed on top of washing them and putting them away! It's really surprised me what a stark contrast I've seen of myself in the last couple days! I'm grateful for the time I had to serve and how I grew and what I learned, but for now I'm so thankful that I get a break!!! :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011



I am taking a couple of sewing classes at Bernina to help me get to know my machine a little better, and know some basics of sewing. Today was my first class and it was fun. It was very basic, but there were a few tips and tricks that I learned! I love learning, and I love getting better at things! :) and sewing is definitely one of them!!

Friday, November 4, 2011


I'm am really doing bad at keeping up this. Oh well.

Today what made me the happiest was my sweet little Mabes. Holy moly I wish I could just hang her on the wall and look at her forever. She is so cute! My favorite is when I come walking into the room at she looks at me with the biggest, happiest grin and just smiles and laughs for a long time. She's so cute! I just can't get over it some times! Some memories I how I never forget.

Friday, October 28, 2011



a nap right now would bring me a lot of joy....

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Two boys that love to play together

picture taken yesterday, but it still makes me happy. :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I love when the boys sleep in!

Especially when I still wake up early and have time to get ready for the day, eat breakfast, read a little, and just have a little me time before I have to be in mom mode again!

I also like it when they sleep in, and I get to sleep longer too. Either way, them sleeping in is a win-win. :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I'm back! I have a week that is ready to post, but I need to add pics or format the post (I wrote them on my phone). But otherwise I had a rough week or two and just didn't even think about this. But now I'm back... and there are more things than ever to write about! :)

Hunter brings me so much joy!
Today he had the cutest smile as he told me that Jackson kicked over his tower. Usually he's pretty upset about it. He reassured me, "It's ok Mom!" :)

Later he picked up the basket Jackson was carrying around, after they put a bunch of stuff in it, "Let me carry it for you Jackson. It's kind of heavy." lol. :)

Friday, October 7, 2011


Taking care of my children! There is nothing better than being a mom, and the love that I feel for these three little munchkins!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!
It its my life. It is who I am. It provides so many blessings that come in so many ways. I am eternally grateful for it, and for all of the wonderful friends I've made and relationships that have been strengthened because of it. :) the gospel brings me joy!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


"He-made-a fire" LOL! or in other words, humidifier. (inside joke -ali. It makes me cry every time I think about it.) :D

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


My aunt from Virginia is here and we all got together fire a mini family reunion. It was awesome! All but one of my uncles were there. Otherwise it was some cousins, awesome food, and great conversation! One thing I love about my moms side of the family is how comfortable we are with each others. We don't see each other for years, but it feels like it was just yesterday. There is just so much love and you always feel welcome. It's great! I wish we saw each other more often! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011


Family Pictures


We decided to venture out and get our yearly family photos. For the past 3 years we've somehow managed to always get them taken on Nov. 3rd(I think), but decided  to try and get them done while there were still some leaves on the trees. It was short and sweet, but we had fun! :) 
Another self portrait adventure (camera strapped to the stroller and thank goodness the timer setting takes 4 photos.) :) and of course a wonderful hubby to help out (and take some great shots) so that in the future we will remember that I was a part of the family too. heehee.

We went up to South Fork park, where we went last year for our pictures, and it was so beautiful!! I absolutely love it up there by the river. :) We finished up our photo shoot with a mini picnic. I love being outside!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

{10/1/11} Picnics

Today my favorite man took me and my girl on a picnic! It was SO much fun! :) We went up the canyon and ate our sandwiches and grapes, watched the river and the clouds and it was PERFECT. Beautiful weather and everything. Sometimes it's so nice to get out of the house, and get a break from two very excited boys. :)



Friday, September 30, 2011


We were all migrating upstairs, and when I came down to bring her up with us I found her sleeping like this. (bad camera picture) but she's SO cute!! :) She always melts my heart.


Thursday, September 29, 2011




Two very happy and playful boys. :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Today we went to Dad's work to bring him some lunch and on the way stopped at a light by the Bank of America(?). The building is all glass/mirrors. As we drove up to it Hunter asked,
"What's that mom?"
"A bank."
then after a few minutes he pointed to it and said, "I want my baby born there when I have a baby in my belly." and finished by pointing to his belly. lol. What a funny boy!
"you want to have your baby at the bank?" I asked, "what about if you have your baby at the hospital down the street instead?"
"oh yeah. haha."

he really does crack me up.

When I told Neil he was like, "Did you tell him that he doesn't have babies?!" then he told Hunter that and Hunter just laughed. :)



I LOVE that she laughs so much! :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I wish I had it on video... I was holding Mabel up so she could see everyone in the room and Hunter started dancing around and spinning circles. She thought that was the. funniest. thing. ever! I haven't seen her laugh so hard at anything like she was at him! She loved it! It was so cute. :) She always gives that boy the biggest smiles! It's hard to tell him to be soft with her because whenever he is doing something that I think could be too rough, she has the biggest smile on her face... and I'm left wondering what to do. ;) I love them!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Elder Uchtdorf! He is so amazing! I was on my mission when he was put in the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, and how excited all the Germans were!!! :) Cute.

Tonight was the Relief Society General Broadcast and he gave the best talk! (which he always does). But I loved it! You can find it here:

Thursday, September 22, 2011



This is how she fell asleep today. Like the girl would say on Despicable Me, "She's so cute! I'm gonna die!"

Tuesday, September 20, 2011



I got a lot of sewing done today, as well as a LOT of fabric cut - almost half of what will eventually be Mikaela's quilt. I love days where I can just totally enjoy sewing. :) (my house on the other hand is suffering greatly. and that's ok with me. ;)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

{9/18/11} Family Night

Today was such a great day! :) (Church was another thing... a rather crazy crazy day in and of itself) but today was good. While we were waiting for our crock-pot pulled pork to finish we went on a walk. Hunter was up ahead of me on the sidewalk when we got to one house that has a bunch of dogs, and one little one came running out barking at him. It scared him something fierce and he just cried and cried. It was awesome though because the mom that lives there came running out trying to console Hunter, and got one of the dogs balls and started throwing it/playing catch with the dog, which got Hunter really interested in them. He finally wanted to get down, and as soon as he got an opportunity to throw it, was all over it! He loved playing fetch with the dog, and especially loved it when one of the guys would throw it half way across the church parking lot! Jackson loved it too! He had some sticks in his hand that one of the smaller dogs kept bitting onto and taking out of his hands. They absolutely loved it! And I totally loved, and am grateful, that she came out to help calm Hunter's fears. I know he loves dogs, and I'm glad that he didn't have to walk away from that experience with fear for them in the future. :) What a super great and friendly family!

Then we finished our walk, came home and ate, popped some popcorn and got a surprise knock on the door, and low and behold it was my brother! So he joined us for our Sunday night (carmel) popcorn (which I let boil too long and the carmel got a little too hard - but for only my second time making it, it's not bad!) and a movie (the Princess Bride). :) It was such a fun and nice evening! I LOVE my family! They definitely bring me joy! :)


Saturday, September 17, 2011

{9/17/11} Otter Pops & Photographs

I wanted to get some pics of the boys using the Otter Pop wraps I made, so we dug out the last two otter pops from the freezer and went out side. Boy oh boy, I just love my boys!!! :)







Friday, September 16, 2011



These quilts are the quilts that I made for my boys when they were born (even though I didn't necessarily finish them at that time). But until today they really haven't been displayed in anyway. I'd say used, but we do pull them from the blanket pile and use them here and there for a nice blanket. Today I decided that since it's getting a little colder, and the need for more than just their blankies is here, that it'd be a good time to actually start making their beds. :) (we just never had any other blanket on their beds besides their blankies - which they just drag around the house all day, so there's no point in making their beds with those). Anyway, I decided I might as well put their blankets on there, and it really makes me so happy! I love it! :)

There is just something about seeing something that you've made with your own two hands being used and loved by those you made it for.  :)


I absolutely LOVED making my big and small projects for my FTLOS swap partner (For the Love of Solids - a modern swap). Every step was so much fun! Even ironing! And I HATE to iron. ;) and of course, I loved taking pictures along the way! :) I'll post more about this project after it's been received so I don't give away the extras I put in it. :)

FTLOS - zip-itself coin purse.

It's a pillow case for a 20" pillow. and a zip-itself coin purse.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


A certain unnamed person. I'm grateful to know that there are people who care, and are happy to listen and help in any way that they can. :) Sometimes I think people can be our dredge, but sometimes they are definitely our joy!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011



We had our quarterly RS meeting tonight. I love YW's, but sometimes it's very nice to be back in RS. :) I especially love my friends in this ward! There are so many wonderful sisters, as well as the YW who also get to come to the RS activities. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

{9/12/11} Happy Birthday!

It's this guys birthday! And boy oh boy does he ever make me happy!!! I could go on forever about how he's such a sweetheart, and so so cute, and I love how cuddly he is. Even when he's being a little stinker he's so dang cute! SO glad to have him in our little family! :)


(this is from Bear Lake this summer. lol)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Teaching YW's. :) Today was especially fun! I really liked the lesson topic, and then to add that all the girls LOVE being able to hold Mabel while I teach. :) I love that she is so loved! Then Jacks came in and would NOT let go of me or let me put him down! He was really tired, not to mention that they split the nursery today. I don't know if he was such a fan of that.... because any time anyone left he would cry. They finally just brought him to me. It made for some good fun. :) I love simple happy moments like that.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The love and help of others

I don't have a picture for this. But I definitely can't go without saying that my heart is full of gratitude for everyone who is so willing to give and serve and love those around them. Friends, family, or complete strangers! Thank you! :) and I must say it is definitely fun to help and serve as well. :)

{9/6/11} Lap Time

We have started going to the library's lap time - like story time, but for younger kiddos. It's fun. Except my boys are all over the place! It's really good though because not only do they read stories, they also sing songs, and do puppets, and there is usually a lot of interaction. This lady was great because she'd always have some kids come up and hold the animals during the story or song. When Jackson realized there were stuffed animals up there that he could hold he was all over it! As soon as I told him to go up and have a turn, he practically ran to the front! It made me laugh, he's so cute! :) He also wouldn't give the animals back... which I don't know how to feel about that as the parent. ? Oh well. Hunter had fun too, but he's still a little more timid and kept coming back to me and wouldn't stay at the front with the animal for the story. ;) This picture isn't great, but I wanted to capture them up there  - although by the time I took it Hunter was already almost next to me. :) Fun boys! They sure make me laugh!

Hunter is the blur and Jackson is in orange.

Monday, September 5, 2011

{9/5/11} Mondays that feel like Saturdays

...but they really are Mondays! I love Labor Day... because Neil doesn't work and kids aren't in school. :) One of the YW came over today to play with Hunter and Jackson. It was awesome!! Hunter absolutely LOVED it! They had so much fun! A few times when I went in his room to talk or see what was going on, Hunter would get up and push me out the door, "Go out Mom!". He wanted her all to himself. It was cute! :) And nice for me because I got my room cleaned up and a lot of things put away! Yippy! :)

Neil also got to watch his movie, or a few. At one point he was watching 10,000 BC, and Jackson was downstairs at the part where the guy meets the saber tooth tiger. I came downstairs just after that to find Jacks growling. When he saw me he ran over to me and tackled me, got on top of me and growled at me for over 5 min! It was awesome! I was laughing my head off... and he was totally serious. :) What a funny boy. I finally got up and he just kept on! He cracks me up.

I also worked a lot on my Modern Swap item... I haven't had so much fun sewing in a while! I am loving it! I also took about a hundred pictures as I've been putting it all together. I asked Neil today, "If I were to make a quilt for our bed, what would you want it to look like?" He told me he really likes the design I'm using for this project, even the same colors of pink and orange. lol. silly boy! I would want it blue and green. ;) I'm not sure though. I think I'll have to wait to see the entire thing to know if I'd really want something so big on my bed. But it was nice of him to say that! :)

Overall, this day has just been super awesome!


all of my favorite things.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

{9/4/11} Fabric

I got a lot of fabric cut today for some projects. I really like cut fabric... because it means I get to sew something. :) It's also fun to get started on something new.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


For some reason I really love the clean sharp look of vinyl right after you peel all the extra stuff off the page. Today I finished and mailed off some vinyl that I made for my sis. She's the football mom for her sons football team and is decorating coolers. Fun. :)

It makes me want to make more stuff in vinyl... but what???

Friday, September 2, 2011


Being Organized

I spent the evening getting some binders ready for the YW presidents. I really love being organized. And I really love office supplies, and all that good stuff. :) Reminds me of when I was little and I asked for office supplies and desk items for Christmas. That hole punch has probably been the most used and useful Christmas present I've ever received. :D


{get ready to sing....} O'Reilly!

We had a little bit of car problems and on Wednesday we went to Autozone... talk about BAD service! The lady basically told us a bunch of mumbo jumbo and when we couldn't get our car started again, refused to give us a jump and we ended up walking home. Excuse me? Aren't they supposed to help you fix your car? Isn't what that store is all about? So confused. Anyway, we were able to bring it home later that day (it started up again) and figured out exactly what was wrong with it: Just needed a new battery - A jump would have been very useful for us. Anyway, we went back the next day and I talked to someone else who was just as unhelpful, hoping he would help us, but alas he wouldn't. Anyway, it was annoying. So then we went to {get ready to sing again...} O'Reilly! It was grand. The guy was really nice, very sympathetic, knowledgeable, and got right to the point with what was wrong: the battery. :) So now we are set and ready to go!! Thank you curly haired man!

PLUS, while we were there Newman drove up! (from Seinfeld) Ok, not exactly but he could have been his twin. It was pretty awesome. :)


Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Yup. Though not for me, it's for our sweet wild and crazy boys. :) who.... like to stay awake until 10 pm. ug. Poor Neil has been sitting with them for ~an hour every night trying to get them to fall asleep. He usually beats them to it too. ;) Anyway, one tablet an hour before we want them to fall asleep, and so far I think they are pretty good! :) We'll see how they work tonight when we'll actually be able to put them to bed earlier. :)

Sweet Dreams little ones!

(this doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I like this picture that Mr. Bean took at Bear Lake)

{8/30/11} When things are over.

Usually I'm super excited to put together events and presentations and what not. But today we had Standards Night for the Young Women, and boy was it ever stressful. I don't know why, but it was frustrating, stressful, confusing, and whatever other feelings all rolled into one trying to get ready for it and plan it out just right. Not to mention I was up until after 3 am on Monday night finishing up some stuff. I think in the end it went pretty well, and a lot of the parents said that they enjoyed it and really liked it. But man, that was the first time I couldn't wait for something to be over before it even began. I sure love all the girls in our ward! And I really hope that they were able to get something out of it, and that it helped them, but I know for me it was definitely a learning process and a growing experience, and a challenge. But it was all worth it as long as it helped someone. :)

{8/29/11} All Giggles

I should really say pure laughing. Today was the first day that Mabel really laughed! She's laughed and giggled before, you know those cute little baby squeaks and bursts. But today it was different. She was gut retching, belly rolling laughing. Like Hunter and Jackson when they just can't stop and you know it hurts. Ok, I know it sounds unbelievable, but it's true. It's not like it lasted forever. But it certainly was cute! I was holding her and playing with her and she just started laughing. Then I would make faces at her and she would start laughing harder and harder and the more things I did the more she laughed! It was the. best. ever.!!! :) I love this little girl! If I can get it on video sometime soon I'll add it in here. :)

{8/28/11} And the Thunder Rolls

... and the lightning strikes!! Ok, no. Not the country song. We went on a walk tonight so I could deliver the invitations for Standards Night coming up and while we were out we watched an awesome lightning storm move closer and closer to us from across the southern part of the lake. It was so beautiful! I love being out at dusk as the sky gets dark from the storm clouds but you still have that little bit of light shining through from the west. It was such a nice night and fun running around in the wind. I sure love going out and just taking a few minutes to talk to neighbors and friends. I guess that's one nice thing about being in Utah, we know so many of our neighbors. Because they're all in our ward! :) Anyway, we did make it home before the storm hit us and we were able to stay dry. Though it was a good excuse to race... and that is a favorite thing lately - racing Hunter. He's so fun. :)


Ok, I'm really writing this on the 31st. I know I still have joy moments, but getting ready for Standards Night on Tuesday took up all my time, as well as thinking time, and I totally forgot about this. So I'm trying to remember what happened on Saturday so I can record it. :)

The only thing that really sticks out in my mind from Saturday is sitting next to the hubby watching a movie while we watching the lightning coming through the window! We've been having great storms lately, and it's a nice excuse to sit back and enjoy some good company. :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

{8/26/11} Should-be-Sleeping Boys

pic taken 8/20/11- right after we got back from our vaca

10 minutes ago: This little guy should have been sleeping, but I spotted him at the top of the stairs. I thought it was Hunter because usually he's the one that gets up after they should be asleep. I didn't think anything of it until I looked over and saw his cute head peaking out from behind our cabinet. Then quick as could be he'd pull his head back to the corner and hide. Aaaaahhhhh! He is SO CUTE! :) He did that a couple of times until I went over to him. What a sweet heart. My favorite thing is how he says "yesss" and "Yeah." and how every time he has the perfect inflections to portray exactly how he feels at the moment. He is very expressive for the small vocabulary that he has at the moment. I love him! Sometimes I wish I could freeze everything else in life and just focus on each of my children individually, with no distractions. And just be purely in the moment with them for all moments. They grow up way too fast! I sure love being a mom!

Thursday, August 25, 2011




When Hunter woke up from his nap today he was VERY insistent that we go for a walk. And I'm so very glad he did! Some thunderstorms were blowing in so it had cooled down tremendously, and it was so nice to get out of our hot house into a nice cool breeze. Not to mention the light sprinkles. 

There was one house we walked past that had their sprinklers on, which were spraying a little bit onto the sidewalk, I was walking in the street watching Hunter as he was distracted by something else, and didn't notice he was walking into water. His reaction once he realized he was getting wet was SO funny! He was super startled (the look on his face was like, "What the water?!!!"), then he ducked and ran past them as fast as he could. When we walked past the house later another set came on, one of which rotated a little. He got close enough that it would spray him every few seconds and he would just giggle. It was so cute/funny watching him! He is such a fantastic little man!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This guy...


My Dad! :)

We talked for a long time on the phone today, and he is so great! I really look up to him so much, and am grateful for everything he's taught me throughout my life! He's a great example! I'm really glad that we have a good relationship and that I can call him my friend. :) Love you Dad!! :)


Joy. joy. joY.
it almost makes a smiley face. ;)
ok, whatever.
I think there's been more things than not that bring me joy lately.

One, coming up with patterns to quilt and coloring them in and seeing how (hopefully) good they will turn out! :) This going to be a pillow cover for my partner in the For Love of Solids swap.

Also, I love writing people notes... like my sweet hubby! and then leaving them in random places. :)

and then I can't forget all the wonderful young women that I get to hang out with every week! It's like a huge group of instant friends that even if we wouldn't hang out otherwise, we get to anyway! and I love it! :)

Monday, August 22, 2011



she is so beautiful, and I feel like none of the pictures I take of her do her justice. I could watch her all day, she is such a wonderful little girl. I love my boys to death, but there is something about this girl that is so different. I think there has been maybe one or two times that I've thought, "Oh, she's a baby." Usually she just stands out so strongly as her own little individual self, and it's so interesting to me that at such a young age she can have such personality and radiance. It's hard to think of her as a baby, and yet at the same time it is so hard to watch her grow so fast! She's already way bigger than Jacks was at this age, and sometimes I feel like I need to have another little girl just to make up for how fast she is growing and that I feel like I'm not getting enough of her infant stage. :)

On another note, she is so giggly, and is starting to play! She loves to watch all of us, and laughs a lot more when we tickle her or play with her. Everything about her brings me joy!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Sundays are always a joyous thing in and of themselves. But if I were to pick one specific thing about today, it would be this girl....


She is amazing! She's so strong (as in character) and always happy and nice and is such a great example. I am so happy that I am able to be around her and associate with her! I love people! :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Today is kind of a grateful joy thing again, and again I have to give credit to my hubby. One of my most favorite, happy-making things is a clean house! :) I don't know what else beats having a clean and organized house, but I love it!! We didn't end up cleaning before we left on vacation for a week, so we came back to a real disaster. (Does that help deter robbers if your house is messy and you forget to take out the trash???) Anyway, Neil had to work for a lot of the day, and yet with the effort I put in while he was gone, and then the huge help that he was when he got home, our home is once again beautiful. :)


There are two things that brought me joy yesterday. My home and my bed. After a week of a wonderful vacation and loads of family goodness, although it was sad to say goodbye and hard to leave a nice break from our stresses, it's always nice to come home and sleep in our own bed. I'm not sure if it's more joy, or if it's more gratitude, but either way I'm so glad to have all that we have!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Today was kind of a harder day. I guess every day isn't going to be easy, but I guess that's the point of all this. Finding joy amidst the tough times.

This picture is from the other day, but I can't help but smile whenever I see this little guy. He is the best ever. He's so full of love, has such a tender heart, and is so funny and happy. What a cutie!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


This is the funniest wall paper I have ever seen! My sister and I just die laughing every time we see it. It's not the best picture, but it's of these dancing bears and they are making the funniest poses ever. To top it off my brother keeps coming in and imitating them. Good times. :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This guy. :) He really is the best ever! He's the best dad. Takes awesome care of our kids, totally selfless in serving them. And is the best husband! He does SO much to help me out and makes sure that I know how much he loves me. I couldn't ask for anything more. Plus he's super funny and can always make me laugh. Love you babe!


Monday, August 15, 2011


Simply everything about this!


the beach
blue skies
Bear Lake
warm air
being out of the car
a little R&R
the smells


Sunday, August 14, 2011


365 Moments of Joy

I need to come up with an acronym for this, but am a little hesitant to call it mo-jo, so we'll see what happens. Lol. I'm also not sure how to post it, if it should be a daily thing or a weekly thing with the weeks recap. I guess I have some time to decide before it's over. ;)

Anyway, I have to add one for yesterdays since yesterdays was really Fridays. :) I did not take any pics, probably for the best, but last night I had to get some stuff out of the back of my closet and found my old formal dresses from high school and tried them all on. lol! I even put on my wedding dress. It still fits. Kind of. :) when I came downstairs in it the hubby said seeing it again made him nervous all over again. It was also fun because our first date was jr. prom and then sr. prom, so it was a good walk down memory lane for both of us. (fyi, we weren't hs sweethearts. We didn't get married until 8 years later.) :)

Todays MoJ  (does that work better?) Is this girl:


She is going off to school this week at my favorite school and we will miss her greatly! I have good memories with her, as well as so much respect for her and her goodness. We had a good cry session today with everyone sharing what they love most about her. I am so grateful for so many wonderful people in my life and the opportunity that I have to work with so many great young women! :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I've finally found it. My 365 Days-of-Something! Inspired by this post, and a small dose of Life's-been-a-drag-and-I-need-something-more, I am starting my 365 Moments of Joy.


Do you remember that movie Julie & Julia? It was pretty good, so if you haven't seen it I recommend it. Well, after that came out it seemed that everyone had a 365-Days-of-Something, photography, cooking, blogging, sewing, whatever. I liked the idea of it, but didn't really have anything that I wanted to do, or commit to, for 365 days in a row. Well, finally having enough of the baby blues, I'm ready for some daily doses of happiness. :)

I'm really not going to expect a lot from it, or expect myself to put a lot into it, just a little update of a daily something that brings me joy. :) Maybe it will just be a picture from my camera phone and that's it, perhaps a story, or joke, or maybe something long and dreadfully boring. ;) I don't know. I'm sure that as every day is different, there will be something that brings me joy every day. :)

I think it will be fun. And in the end, I think it will give me a reason to take a break from all the stress of being an overly tired and demanded mom and just enjoy the moment. :) No other expectations or competitions involved - I'm not going to worry about perfect photos, how beautiful I look in the picture, my double chin that likes to show up now and then, etc.(though hopefully I'll learn some things along the way as well.)

What do you think?! Do you want to join along? Leave a comment on this post with your blog and I'll add you to a blog roll on my sidebar under my button. :)

Oh, and here's a button if anyone wants to join, you can put this on your blog as well. :)

365 Moments of Joy

I might as well start my first joy-mo now. :) This picture is actually from yesterday, but I posted it today so I'm going to say that it counts. Not to mention that it is the whole inspiration for all of this! :)

